Collection: Otava

The Otava books delight both children and adults

The Otava Publishing Company is one of the largest publishing houses in Finland, known for publishing commercial and literary successes. Otava’s authors include some of the most beloved authors in Finland as well as promising new talents. You can find the popular children’s books by Mauri Kunnas published by Otava in our selection. Choose a physical book that will delight you for a long time!

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Otava is a versatile media group

Otava is one of the longest-running publishing houses in Finland. Otava was established by Hannes Gebhard and Eliel Aspelin-Haapkylä in 1890, so the publishing has continued at Otava non-stop for over 130 years. Alvar Renqvist took the lead in 1892 whose descendants translated their last name in Finnish to Reenpää. The ownership of Otava has remained in the Reenpää family to this day, excluding the years 1945–1991, when Otava was a listed company.

During the years, Otava has published the works of many beloved authors who have secured their place in the Finnish canon of authors. These include for example Eino Leino, Minna Canth, F.E. Sillanpää, Jörn Donner, Antti Tuuri, Mauri Kunnas, Kjell Westö and Laila Hirvisaari.

Today Otava publishes fiction and non-fiction, teaching materials, textbooks and books for children and young people. The Otava Publishing Company has over the years grown into a versatile media corporation focusing on four business areas: book publishing, magazine publishing, retail trade and New Business Functions. The Otava Group also includes the nationwide bookstore chain Suomalainen Kirjakauppa.

The beloved children's books by Otava

Otava publishes many kinds of books for children and young adults of all levels. The children’s books by Otava include picture books, young adult novels and children’s non-fiction. One of the most popular books in the category are the children’s books by Mauri Kunnas. For example his Doghill and Herra Hakkarainen books are known in homes across Finland. The books by Mauri Kunnas are also among the internationally most successful Finnish children’s books. They have been published in 36 countries and 37 languages, and sold over 10 million copies.