Hukka Back Warmer

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Sale price 24.95 EUR Regular price
Regular price 24.95 EUR
  • Package Size: 1 pcs
  • Inventory Quantity: 8
  • Manufacturing country: Finland

Poor sleeping posture, on your feet all day, too much heavy lifting, or the weather getting colder? In what part of your body do you usually feel the first tinges of pain? Most of us would answer: lower back. The meridians also flow through it, transferring energy all over the body.

Enjoy provides gentle warmth (or cold, if necessary) to this important area. You can use it while watching TV or lying down, or even slip the stone under the waistband of your trousers and keep moving around.

  • Measurements: 5-12,5 cm, thickness 2,8 cm
  • Weight: 1,0 kg
  • 1 piece per box

Additional info

Hukka Ltd

Weight and dimensions
1.048 kg - [140,140,28]

Perfect match

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